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Welcome to Taio's World!

Home of the Allstars

Below is me and Harry, he is a 2 year old Cockerpoo, which makes him older than me in dog years ! He is my best friend ever,we go everywhere together…..Do you all have dogs or pets ?Aren’t they just the best ?

On my last birthday, my mum and dad got me anew toy chest for my bedroom, because I have got so many toys, I bet you have a favourite toy, where do you keep yours ?

Below is me and Harry, he is a 2 year old Cockerpoo, which makes him older than me in dog years ! He is my best friend ever,we go everywhere together…..Do you all have dogs or pets ?Aren’t they just the best ?

On my last birthday, my mum and dad got me anew toy chest for my bedroom, because I have got so many toys, I bet you have a favourite toy, where do you keep yours ?

Welcome to Taio’s World, my name is Taio and these are my best friends in the whole wide world. This is so exciting to have a website of our own, we have never had one before. 

So being the leader, their choice I promise you, my job is to make sure we make you have fun, join us on our adventures, play some of the games on here, watch our videos and much, much more ! 

Welcome to Taio’s World, my name is Taio and these are my best friends in the whole wide world. This is so exciting to have a website of our own, we have never had one before. 

So being the leader, their choice I promise you, my job is to make sure we make you have fun, join us on our adventures, play some of the games on here, watch our videos and much, much more ! 

Taio’s World is a beautifully created Children’s IP with reality fused with fantasy and is the gift that keeps on giving. It is designed to connect and engage with children all over the world, allowing them to explore Taio’s World and their own. It is a sequence of adventures which support learning, fun and friendship and most importantly, building confidence and self esteem.

The anticipation and excitement of not knowing what happens next; where Taio will go in the world, in pursuit of the important stickers for his album. Not knowing what he will get up to next, keeps children on the edge of their seat. Taio and the Allstars want to be role models and to encourage and challenge children to be the best version of themselves.

Taio and the Allstars are the best of friends. Watch them have fun, go on amazing adventures and be the best team ever ! 

Watch how they travel all over the world to make the planet the best and safest place to be.

Who will be your favourite Allstar ?

Taio and the Allstars are the best of friends. Watch them have fun, go on amazing adventures and be the best team ever ! 

Watch how they travel all over the world to make the planet the best and safest place to be.

Who will be your favourite Allstar ?

About Us...

Taio’s World is THE best place for kids to be with all your friends and family. It is where you can be yourself, be safe and watch all of your magical adventures and fantasies happen and become reality.  

Where next ? The North Pole, the rainforest, down to the beach or through some amazing theme park ? 

When you see Taio and Harry playing with their toy chest in his bedroom, watch what happens next. What is that bright yellow glow, where does it come from? See you very soon

Best wishes, Taio, Harry, Boo and the Allstars x

Who will Taio, Harry and Boo meet next ? Will it be Henry and Akira,will it be Mega and his Sumatran Tiger cub, Ginger in the wild jungle ?

Or will it be Jax and Spike, the cheeky little crocodile, down by the river in Africa ?

The Allstars are just normal boys and girls, but age does not matter they just adore animals and lImageove being together as often as possible.

They are between 6 and 9yrs old, but age does not matter one bit.

This is Taio and Harry

More about us...

Taio is the eponymous character of the Allstars, he is their leader, the go to guy and his friends would describe him as inspirational, motivational as just the coolest dude! He is the creative genius behind the Allstars and the glue that keeps them all together.

Taio, is kind, thoughtful, has a great sense of humour and is always there for you if you need him. You can trust him with anything, and he will never let you down. Above all else, he values loyalty and friendship as the most important traits; give 100% and he will go 110% ! 

Meet Taio and the Allstars

If you were an Allstar, where would your favourite place be for an adventure ? Send us a message and we can go together

Hi I am Taio, and these are my best friends,

the Allstars Click on the tabs below to find

out all about them and what they get up to

This is the Family!

Hi! I am Taio, one of the Allstars. Let's learn, have fun, be kind and go on some great adventures!

Badges! Which team will you be on?

Learn more, fun and activites page

Watch out for all the exciting news,

meet new characters, videos etc

Watch out for all the exciting news,

meet new characters, videos etc

Taio's world for Mums and Dads

Ask your parent to send your message!

Ask your parent to send your message!

Hi guys, please send me a message about anything you want to know, any ideas you have, adventures you want us to go on and games you want to play………

And we will get right back to you

Have a great day

- Taio and the Allstars x

Click on the tabs below for new facts, fun information, coming soon events and everything you need to know about Taio, Taio’s World and the Allstars

Hi mum and dad, you are just as important as your children, so when you “click” on the Parents tab above, we have shared some testimonials for you to read. Please also look below to see our contact information if there is anything you need to know…

Look at our socials!

Thank you for visiting our webiste... Lots of Love, Taio, Harry, Boo and the Allstars.